Allman Horrocks Consulting Limited

Membership Research

A strategic approach to membership research

Lightbulb idea

Our clients have confirmed that our strategic approach to research is different, adding significant value, beyond the normal scope of most research agencies.

Our strategic consulting background provides us with the ideal skills to help organisations not only undertake the most effective research study but also to make the best use of the results of this survey and develop appropriate strategies from them.

Our approach

Our proven, flexible approach is tailored to suit your needs to ensure we adopt the most effective means of providing you with the information you need to identify and implement the necessary actions to improve and grow your organisation.

We use a combination of research methodologies typically involving initial qualitative interviews with key stakeholders to help understand the relevant issues to be explored in the research, before undertaking quantitative feedback on via online surveys.

We validate our findings through interactive workshops, building depth to our initial analysis and build depth to the implications and ensuring that we obtain buy-in to act on the results and implement our recommendations.

We then help you formulate a plan of action based on the findings and support you through the implementation of that plan.

Our track record

We have worked with well over 30 membership organisations and charities, helping them to understand the issues relevant to their members and other stakeholders, identify how requirements vary between different cohorts, and then to align their services and tailor their communications accordingly. Projects we frequently undertake are surveys of members, lapsed members and potential members to help our clients grow their membership and improve member retention

We have also helped non-membership clients undertake customer research to understand their market and inform strategy.